Cambridge, NY- In a shocking discovery, local biologist and professor, Dr. Karen Schumacher has found an entire herd of unicorns living in the Cambridge Community Forest, just outside of the Village. The discovery was made quite by accident, when Schumacher, who lives on Division Street, was out for a walk with her dog early one morning. As they entered the forest, her dog began to bark excitedly and pulled her towards a small clearing.

There, in the clearing, were several unicorns grazing peacefully. Schumacher was absolutely astonished and quickly took out her camera to snap some pictures. She then called the police, who, assisted by the DEC came and confirmed that there was indeed a herd of unicorns living in the forest.
"At first we believed they were brought to the area by someone who was illegally transporting them." Cambridge Police Sergeant Robert Danko said, "This is a truly amazing discovery, and it just goes to show that there are still many mysteries in our world waiting to be discovered."
The discovery of the unexpected creatures has caused a sensation in the community. Many people are excited to hike the trails of the Cambridge Community Forest and are hoping to get a chance to see the magical creatures for themselves.
Agricultural Stewardship Association, who owns and manages the forest for public use, is working on a plan to protect them. The unicorns are currently being monitored by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

When a unicorn sees a rainbow, they are said to be overcome with happiness and they gallop towards it.

Even more surprising in the discovery was the fact that they spoke perfect English. The unicorns said they moved to the forest after the trails were cleared last year and they enjoy the peace and solitude of their forest home.
"We love to hide and watch hikers pass by." One unicorn said, "It's such a perfect spot as volunteers keep the forest so tidy for us."
Schumacher has documented the habits of the unicorns she discovered. In a paper published in the scientific journal, Nature, Schumacher and her colleagues describe the unicorns as a "highly social and intelligent species." They say the animals are very curious and are constantly exploring their surroundings.
The unforgettable creatures also appear to be very friendly and are often seen interacting with other animals in the forest. Schumacher says they even seem to enjoy being around humans.
"They are definitely not afraid of us," she said. "They will come right up to us and sniff us and let us pet them. The unicorns are always asking questions about everything. They are also very gentle and have a great sense of humor. However, they are also very territorial." Schumacher said, "They will not allow anyone to enter their clearing unless they are invited."

Unicorns are herbivores, and their diet consists mainly of grasses and leaves.
- Despite their small size, they are powerful runners, reaching speeds as high as 60 mph.
- Unicorns are believed to have magical powers, and are often associated with rainbows and glitter.
- Unicorns are incredibly shy animals and will often disappear into the forest after being seen by humans.
Typically, unicorns spend the day active, and at night they sleep in a clearing around a large tree. Schumacher noted that they dig food storage holes with their horns.
The Cambridge Community Forest provides the perfect habitat for the unicorns. It has a variety of trees and plants for food, a clean water supply and a lot of open space for exercise. The unicorns are also close to a herd of wild horses in the Adirondacks. The horses provide companionship and also help keep them safe. These unicapons are not the only mythical creatures that have been spotted in the foothills of the Adirondacks. There have also been reports of dragons, Bigfoot and even "Champ", the Lake Champlain Monster.
Unicorns - Q&A

What to do if you encounter a unicorn?
If you encounter a unicorn, you should try to befriend it. They are known for being gentle and kind creatures, so they may be open to becoming your new friend. You can offer it a treat, such as an apple or carrot, and see if it will come closer to you. Once you have gained its trust, you can ask it to grant you a wish.
How do you ask a unicorn for a wish?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific unicorn and what they are willing to do. Some unicorns may be willing to grant wishes if they are asked politely, while others may be more resistant. It is important to remember these are magical creatures and should be treated with respect.
Why do only some people see unicorns?
Some people see unicorns because they believe in them. Other people may see unicorns because they have a strong imagination.
What does unicorn taste like?
Unicorns have never let themselves become victims to anything! So, nobody will actually ever know what unicorn meat tastes like. It is assumed however, the taste of unicorn meat may vary depending on the diet of the unicorn. Some people believe that unicorn meat most likely tastes like a cross between chicken and venison.
Are any regulations in place to protect the unicorns?
The DEC believes that regulations aren't needed. Unicorns are generally gentle creatures, but can be fierce when they feel threatened. They are able to run very fast, and can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. All unicorns can use their horns for self-defense, but they mostly use them for healing. Because of their magical powers, they can detect potential harm in advance.
Cambridge Community Forest is owned and operated by the Agricultural Stewardship Association.
The Cambridge Community Forest is a 140-acre wooded property located in the Town of White Creek near the Village of Cambridge. The property is owned by the Agricultural Stewardship Association (ASA) and is open to the public dawn to dusk, 365 days a year. It is located at 15 Rockside Drive, Cambridge, NY.
Cambridge Community Forest is being created by the ASA in partnership with local community members. Trails will be available for hiking, walking, and snowshoeing, fishing on White Creek, bird watching, as well as outdoor education programs. It is easily accessible and within walking and biking distance for residents of the village.
Community involvement is an essential part of the project's success and visitors can follow the happenings at the Forest on social media.
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