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Cambridge Youth Commission

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Teenage Teasing and What Parents Should Know

The majority of teens have to share classrooms and buildings with many others when they return to school. Inappropriate behavior like teasing occurs sometimes for learners. In teasing, someone is harassed by mocking or insulting them intentionally or maliciously. It can be dangerous and hurtful to engage in this behavior.

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For dealing with children's teasing issues, the book "Easing the Teasing", by Judy S. Freedman is a worthwhile resource. Specifically, it shows parents how to handle teasing with their children. Parents and educators should definitely read this book since many of its suggested strategies are suitable for teens as well. 

The strategies described by Freedman will not be addressed in this article. Our article will illustrate to parents how schools generally handle discipline and behavior management issues in order to deal with teasing in our school system. If a problem arises, it will be easier for parents to deal with their teen and school personnel.  

Due to the difference in sizes between elementary and secondary schools, it can generally be held that teasing is less prevalent in elementary schools than secondary schools. This doesn't mean secondary schools are ignoring the issue. In secondary schools, for example, homeroom teachers discuss such topics with students; a police liaison may speak on this or similar topics to students; faculty should reinforce appropriate behavior standards. Students who behave inappropriately at school - usually serious incidents - are tracked using an electronic system at many schools. As part of grade-level meetings, students' achievements, work habits, and, if applicable, their behavior are also reviewed. Most secondary schools face a major challenge in that teachers typically teach over a hundred students per day. Thus, monitoring, documenting, and discussing student behavior with colleagues is difficult.

Whenever parents notice their teen's behavior changing suddenly, they should contact the school counselor and home room teacher. In this way, they will be able to determine whether or not the student is having trouble in class. The young scholar may face other challenges even if he or she consistently earns stellar grades. Parents need to be vigilant because teens may try to hide problems through teasing. It is harmful and dangerous to tease someone. In other words, it is bullying. A lack of self-esteem, depression, eating disorders, and possibly even teen suicide are possible consequences of this kind of abuse. When harassing someone in this manner, regardless of whether it is done deliberately or 'playfully', it is clearly a serious issue that must be addressed immediately.


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