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Cambridge Youth Commission

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2 Minutes Read

Respect Yourself And Your Child

Respect is one of the most useful things you can teach your child, and showing respect is the most effective ways to do so. As soon as a child experiences respect, he or she learns how important it is.

Remember to treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Being respectful is an attitude. Children who are respectful are more likely to succeed in life. It is almost impossible for children to succeed if they do not respect their peers, authority, or themselves. Respectful children take good care of their belongings and responsibilities, and respectable children don't have a hard time getting along with their other peers. 

Despite what schools teach about respect, children's respect is largely determined by their parents. Respect is unlikely for children to demonstrate it anywhere else unless they demonstrate it at home.

When it comes to respecting your child, what can you do? Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes and apologize if you made them.

Your child shouldn't be embarrassed, insulted or poked fun of. Encourage them to make choices and take responsibility for their actions. Make sure you hear what your child has to say before making a decision in regards to an issue or problem. Whenever you ask them to do something, be polite and use the words "please" and "thank you". Don't walk into your child's room without knocking. Promises should be kept. It is important for you to demonstrate to your child that you mean what you say. Make sure that you pay full attention to your child.

The most important thing you can do for your children is to teach them that respect must be earned. Demonstrate respect by setting an example. Don't break the law. Be considerate of the environment, animals, and other people around you. Provide open and honest examples of disrespect you've witnessed. 

Make sure your child respects himself or herself as well.

There is no greater form of respect than self-respect. Respecting ourselves makes respecting others easier.

Make it easier for them to set and achieve goals. Make them realize that mistakes are a great learning opportunity and to encourage honesty. 

Most importantly, praise your child for positive acts, behaviors, or traits every day and tell them how much you love them. You'll inevitably raise a respectful child.


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