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Cambridge Youth Commission

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Recreational vs Educational After School Activities

<span class="eceSpunToken" contenteditable="false">Leisure</span> vs Educational After School Activities

So, your kid is beginning to get restless and make you restless. He has actually got more time than benefits him, and you are now considering after school programs - anything that will keep him busy for a few life-saving hours! A lot of after school activities can be broadly categorized into three - recreational, educational and society-oriented. The last bit normally can be found in when your kid is already a bit grown up and can voice his own interests.

Educational activities target at furthering the knowledge of your kid. His general awareness, his understanding and his memory are targeted and he is provided numerous strategies that will help him improve one or all of these. Programs such as extensive memory training and speed mathematics are educational after school activities. There are scholastic programs that will review your kid's homework and class work and help the child gain more in-depth understanding in the different topics.

Hence academic programs have a definite edge over the fun and games, specifically if parents feel that their kid has a lot of catching up to do.

Recreational activities consist of sports and games, arts, painting etc. The primary thrust here is to have a good time. Of course, classes end up being more competitive as the kid climbs the ladder. Lots of sports events, competitions, stage performances etc., are held to motivate the kid.

When we compare the merits of the 2 kinds of activities, I think that the recreational programs have more meat. 

To start with, kids do not take pleasure in learning unless they themselves feel curious about something. Many educational programs are standardized courses that are not too flexible. They have a basic purpose and a well set out method. After a number of hours at school, the child might feel bored.

More study might overwhelm him and make him feel frustrated. Burnout is quite a possibility here.

Recreational programs offer a welcome break from the monotony of learning and studies. The mental challenge and the physical exertion make the kid feel a renewed enthusiasm and an enjoyable sense of satisfaction. Group activity teaches him social skills, discipline and patience. It is a proven fact that children involved in extra curricular activities get better grades than others. Often closing the books and playing a game might be the very best method to manage your studies.

Whatever program you select for your child, regular assessment is the key to success. You will have to measure the kid's progress. If progress is unacceptable, shift your kid out of the program. The kid should also have the flexibility to decline an activity if and when he feels bored with it.

We believe that by offering a range of recreational activities, kids will have the chance to try new things, discover their passions, and develop skills that will benefit them in both the short and long term. The Cambridge Afterschool Program is well-supervised by qualified and caring staff, and we will regularly assess the progress of each child to ensure that they are having a fun and enjoyable after school experience.

We hope that this offer meets your needs and that you will consider enrolling your child in our program. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like more information.


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