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Cambridge Youth Commission

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Reading To Your Kids: 10 Things To Think About

Why You <span class="eceSpunToken" contenteditable="false">Should</span> Read To Your <span class="eceSpunToken" contenteditable="false">Kid</span>

In terms of your child, you have many essential priorities. The safety, health, and love of your child are very meaningful to you. In today's busy world, we spend a lot of time on those concerns that we neglect another key area: psychological stimulation. In order for our children to grow and learn, we must engage both their minds and bodies. This goal can be achieved most effectively through reading.

It is very important to read to your child for many reasons. You should believe these reasons if you already read to your child daily, and if you don't, they should challenge you to do so more regularly:

1.Your child's mind will be challenged and engaged by a carefully chosen story. Book reading allows your child not only to relive experiences of their own life, but also to learn and experience cultures and events far removed from his or her current perspective.

2. By reading out loud, children are shown what good reading sounds like, establishing a goal for their literacy efforts and demonstrating the sound of good reading. It is helpful for your child to have role models he or she can follow in order to read. Aren't you supposed to be one of them?

3.  Children learn language better if they are exposed to a variety of books, such as vocabulary, sentence structure, and pronunciation. As your child discovers more about words and language, she will have more knowledge and experience to draw upon when learning to read. This will make it easier for her to do so.  

4. Children learn to connect print words to meaning when they read with their parents. Repeated exposure to words helps children gain the ability to read many words. Providing words is not enough; they must also be placed in context.  

5. A book is read from front cover to back cover, a page from top to bottom, and a line from left to right. 

These simple rules are for young children, but adults who have a lot of experience with books take it for granted.

6.  Children can develop their own creativity and imagination through well-written stories.  

7.  As children read many stories, they will learn how story structures and narratives work, helping them with literacy and social skills. Storytelling is a fundamental part of human communication, and the most successful people tend to be those who understand narrative technique. Put your child at an advantage.  

8.  As you demonstrate the importance of literacy to your child, they will do the same. When your child never sees you reading, why would they care about reading?  

9. Having a child sit on your lap or cuddle beside you while you read promotes physical contact with them. 

A bond between you and your child is strengthened by doing this.

10.  Especially when it is a loved one's voice, listening to their voice can be soothing. Stress can be reduced and comfort can be found in it. A child's day is full of stress just as a parent's is full of stress. Reading to your child might not only reduce their stress level, but also yours.

It's important to include spontaneous reading opportunities as well as regular reading to your child. You are giving your child benefits for the rest of their lives, as well as bringing you closer together and creating lasting memories.  


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